Available Markets Outlander: The Skye Boat Song (French Version) [feat. Raya Yarbrough] by Bear McCreary

Outlander: The Skye Boat Song (French Version) [feat. Raya Yarbrough] by Bear McCreary feat. Raya Yarbrough #1 from Outlander: Season 2 (Original Television Soundtrack) album. Available in Canada and United States countries.

Duration of this song is 1:34 and you can listen to full song at https://open.spotify.com/track/7t6YEWjdyCZncr65GnVg1q find more information at https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Outlander%3A%20The%20Skye%20Boat%20Song%20(French%20Version)%20%5Bfeat.%20Raya%20Yarbrough%5D%20by%20Bear%20McCreary

